Portland Area Real Estate Appraisal Discussion

Portland Appraiser is Mobile
July 1st, 2014 11:54 AM

Many appraisers talk about mobile appraising however, that is usually in the context of laser measuring and tablet computers. For the past four years I have also used a tablet computer and laser measuring in the field, but with a difference. My field tablet is my only computer and not an iPad, Android, or other cell phone-based computer. It is a rugged commercial quality Windows tablet (manufactured by Motion Computing) with the power of almost any desktop or laptop, and without operational limitations in the field or the office.

A rugged commercial tablet computer allows appraisers the ability to be comfortable computing in a car, office, or at a property with ready access to all of the same computer tools as the office. With one powerful tablet, appraisers only need one set of software, one place for communications, one computer to purchase, and one computer to maintain or update.

Portland Mobile Appraiser


This photo shows a tablet computer docked in my Portland appraisal office simultaneously running three external monitors and using a regular keyboard.

Portland Appraiser is Mobile


This photo shows the table computer function for an appraiser in the field.

Mobile Appraiser Portland


This photo shows the tablet computer docked in the Portland appraiser’s car and ready to respond to clients and direct office staff from the side of the road. Appraisers should not use the computer while driving.

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