Portland Area Real Estate Appraisal Discussion

Portland Appraiser Calling Real Estate Agents

One of the most important parts of the real estate appraisal process is verification of comparable sales with a party to the transaction. Appraisers cannot properly do their job without interviewing the people who are involved in comparable sales. In Oregon, licensed appraisers are required to disclose, “…whether the comparable sales analyzed in the appraisal report were or were not confirmed by a party to the transaction or an agent or representative of a party to the transaction.” (Oregon Administrative Rules 161-025-0060) In a perfect world, the MLS (multiple listing service) and county records would divulge all needed information about a comparable sale, but this is not the case. The MLS information is intended to market property by highlighting the most desirable features. Typically, the MLS will not point out the negative aspects of a property. Nor does MLS provide appraisers with information about what happened behind the scenes of the sale such as repairs, concessions, or the motivations of buyers and sellers.

I often speak with other real estate appraisers about verifying comparable sales. Many residential appraisers tell me that the only question they ask the agent is, “Did this sale have any concessions?” When I call and talk to agents, they often think concessions are the only thing I’m looking for and are surprised when an appraiser probes more deeply into the circumstances of the sale.

Concessions may be an important question not easily answered thru other sources in Oregon. However, only asking about concessions fails to provide a complete picture of the sale, which makes appraisers look unprofessional to the real estate agents answering such questions. Real estate agents know that there is much more involved in contextualizing a comparable sale than just concessions, and agents do not want their time wasted by unintelligent appraiser questions.

The following are some tips for interviewing agents, and a list of questions that I find useful when verifying comparable sales:

Tips for appraisers to remember when verifying sales:

1. Appraisers should consider using the phone for very important or complex comparables. The phone works best because it gives the appraiser a chance for follow-up questions and the results are instant.

2. Email questions should be sent out at least 24 hours before needed. Some agents only answer emails once per day.

3. Do not ask questions that can be answered by reading the MLS. If appraisers waste the agent’s time with dumb questions because appraisers haven’t read the listing, they may not want to help us next time.

4. Be grateful for any information that is provided by the person interviewed, even if they refuse to answer due to privacy concerns. Let real estate agents know that the most important thing is that appraisers ask the questions in order to fulfill due diligence requirements.

5. The buyer’s agent is a good source of information when appraisers want to know how the buyer was feeling. Did the home buyer think that the pool added value, was it just there (no positive or negative), or were they going to remove it? Did the buyer think the view added value or was it just there?

Things that appraisers might want to ask questions about if there is insufficient information in the MLS listing:

1. Distress: Find out if buyers or sellers were under any pressure to buy or sell.

2. Condition: Agents often do not know how to answer questions about condition and when asked will often reply, “Condition was good.” The problem is that one real estate agent’s good is another agent’s average, and so on. Therefore, appraisers need to ask in ways that helps real estate agents better describe the property. Use phrases like “well cared for,” “deferred maintenance,” and “necessary repairs” in questions (See example questions below).

3. Financing: References to financing terms like “cash,” “contract,” or “other” typically require explanation from the appraiser.

4. Views: Did the buyer care, or was the view the only reason they purchased the house?

5. Pools: Did the pool need work? Did the buyers desire a pool?

6. Outbuildings: Do appraisers know exactly what outbuildings there were? I commonly see listings that reference a garage and a shop, however, it frequently turns out that the property merely has a single outbuilding that could be used as either a shop or a garage.

7. Basements: Do appraisers know how much basement area is finished or unfinished?

8. Externalities: Did the buyer care about the busy road? A buyer in a very low inventory market or who plans to rent might not think of a busy road as a negative factor because such roads make for easy renting and walking access to bus stops, and so forth.

9. Concessions: Not only do appraisers need to know of any cash give backs or financing buy downs, equally important are concessions negotiated as a result of a repair that the buyer would need to make.

10. Repairs: Knowledge of which party (buyer or seller) paid for repairs before or after closing is important. If repairs are done prior to closing, or reimbursed just after closing, then the cost is part of the sales price and does not need an adjustment (if the repair is included in the overall condition assessment).


1. General questions:

a. Were the buyers or sellers under any additional pressure to buy or sell due to deadlines, finances, family, court orders, et cetera?

b. The MLS shows the subject just sold but the county records do not show the sale yet. Can you verify the sales price was ______ and sales date was ______?

c. The subject had a basement and I cannot tell how much area was finished by looking at the MLS and county records. Can you explain?

d. Financing Terms:

1. The subject sold by cash. Do you think it could have been conventionally financed?

2. The subject sold by “other” terms. Can you explain?

3. The subject sold by owner contract. Were the terms of the contract consistent with what the buyer could have received with conventional financing? Could the property have been financed?

e. The subject had a view of _________. Was the view much of a positive factor for your buyer? It is difficult to judge the view from the street?

f. The subject had a pool. Was this a positive factor for your buyers? On the other hand, if you are interviewing the selling agent ask if the pool made it easier to sell this property.

g. This property looks like it sold for less than other similar properties. Is there a reason for the difference that I might be missing? (This is a good question to ask when the appraiser is puzzled by one comparable sale that does not seem to fit with others.)

h. Were there any concessions (including special interest rates) paid by the seller? Were the concessions negotiated as a result of any necessary repairs?

i. Was there any significant personal property included in the sales price?

2. Questions you might ask about a fixer:

a. Did the property have any major structural or mechanical problems?

b. Did the property have any recent updating?

c. Do you know if the buyer planned to renovate the property?

3. Questions you might ask about a new house:

a. Was the property a presale or a spec house?

b. Did this property come with rear yard landscaping?

c. Did this property have any features added after listing that might not show on the MLS (e.g. air conditioning, etc.)?

d. Was there any personal property included in the sale (e.g. washer, dryer, refrigerator, etc.)?

4. Questions you might ask about a house that is only a few years old:

a. Was this property well cared for and/or lightly lived in?

b. Were there any repairs that the buyer would need to make after closing?

5. Questions that might be asked about an updated older house:

a. It looks in the MLS like this property had some updating. Can you explain if the updates were done right before selling or at a different time?

6. Questions that might be asked about a house that was renovated by an investor:

a. It looks in the MLS like the property was purchased by an investor and renovated. Was there anything that was not, “like new” after the renovation?

7. Multi-family questions:

a. Was the property fully rented at the time of sale? If so, was rental month-to-month or was there an extended amount of time left on the leases?

b. Was the property rented above or below market rate?

c. Was the property purchased by an experienced investor?

d. Were the tenants going to stay? (If it was going to be vacant, there is a cost to rent up the property.)

8. House with subdivision potential or extra lot questions:

a. Did the buyers plan to develop or divide the extra land?

b. If so, can you explain to what extent and when?

c. Was there any difficulty with financing due to the development potential?

d. Did the buyers or sellers have an idea what the extra lot or lots would be worth once they are ready to build with utilities and access? (This question helps me to understand investor expectations.)

e. Are you aware of any barriers to the development of this property?

f. Do you know what the expected costs were to make the lot or lots build ready?

g. Do you know if any outbuildings or garages would need to be removed in order to divide or develop the property?

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